The Gathering

A monthly online group

Guided by Eco-Art Therapist Izzy Savege

With special guests sprinkled throughout the year

Every last Monday of the month throughout 2024

7pm-9pm CET

Time Zone Converter

£13/15 per month

Is the outdoors key to your resiliences? Do you feel called to nature? Does nature hold you in times of pain or hardship?

What would it feel like to share your unique and powerful nature connection with others, in a safe creative space?

Come together with likeminded souls, learn creative techniques for deepening your nature-connection, share ideas, inspiration, resources and anything else that helps you feel connected to the outdoors.

I’ll be inviting guests to join me in leading some of the sessions, to bring a free new perspective and creative flow.

Keep an eye on my instagram @arttherapywithizzy to find out next month’s theme and who our special guest will be!

What to expect:

The Activities - Meditations, grounding techniques, art making and group sharing. All activities are flexible and accessible - no creative skills or fancy art materials needed.

The Guides - Izzy is a qualified Art Therapist with Eco-Therapy training and experience facilitating groups. She will host all of the online workshops, and will sometimes be joined by a guest leader.

If you have a nature-based skill or practice that you’d like to share with others, and fancy leading a gathering with me, I’d love to hear from you!

Contact me through my website or email me at

Creative Energies

A two-part online workshop series

Guided by Eco-Art Therapist Izzy Savege

November 11th & 18th

10am - 12pm UK time

Time Zone Converter

£50 - Includes 2 live workshops, pre-course PDF, and additional exercises.

Are you looking for the next step in deepening your relationship with yourself? Would you like to understand better where your emotions come from and why they feel the way they do?

If so, this creative series is for you. Can you remember when you last felt true peace, connection and safety?

This series looks at what feeling at home within ourselves means to each of us. Originally a 4-part series, I've evolved it into a more accessible 2-part course.

We'll use explorative art making to strengthen our unique mind-body connection, and practice techniques to soothe our nervous systems when we're feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

A previous participant's feedback:

"I felt that something inside of me was beginning to bloom. Also a boost in confidence and permission to explore my inner self and my creativity without judgement." (shared with consent)



Limited space available to keep the group small.

No creative experience necessary but some basic materials required (more details on this to come).

What to expect:

The Activities - All activities are flexible and accessible - no creative skills or fancy art materials needed.

The Guide - Izzy is a qualified Art Therapist with Eco-Therapy training and experience facilitating groups. She will host all of the online workshops.


A four-part online workshop series

Guided by Eco-Art Therapist Izzy Savege


Time Zone Converter

£100 - Includes all 4 live workshops, pre-course PDF, online community sharing space and additional exercises.

Do you want to deepen your relationship with nature? Are you longing for a sense of belonging in this world?

If so, this creative series is for you.

Over the course of 4 weeks, I will guide you, to explore the outdoors in a new and creative ways. I will set you a task to complete each week in your chosen outdoor space - back yards and local parks are perfect or anywhere you can witness non-human life happening!

We will then come together weekly in a small group (via zoom) to share our findings with each other and to make art in community.

I invite you to commit to all 4 sessions, in order to get the most out of the series and to maintain consistency within the group. (These sessions are not recorded).

What to expect:

The Community - A small closed group that meets weekly, online. A space to share your creative process with like-minded people and a chance to explore your sense of belonging.

The Activities - Between online sessions, you’ll be tasked with a weekly exercise to complete outdoors, in your chosen place. These are simple and creative and must be completed before the next group workshop. All activities are flexible and accessible - no creative skills or fancy art materials needed.

The Guide - Izzy is a qualified Art Therapist with Eco-Therapy training and experience facilitating groups. She will host all of the online workshops and take part in the online sharing space to offer support between workshops.

Previous Workshops

Creative Energies II

This series has now ended but get in touch if you’d like to join the phase of workshops I will be offering soon.

We are not static objects. We are human-animals. We are interconnected systems. We are living processes, constantly in flux.

Gradually build your knowledge of the autonomic nervous system week by week. Learn how to regulate your own unique nervous system and how to harness your powerful energy!

This series is designed to be flexible, join one or join them all, the choice is yours! I’ll be weaving parts of series I into these sessions, to continue to explore the impact art making can have on our nervous systems and wellbeing.

Sessions take place weekly and provide an accessible space for you regularly show up for yourself and your creative practice. I hope to build a small community of people interested in this unique combination of nervous system work and art making.

  • Every Monday evening 8-9.30pm CET (7-8.30pm GMT)

    Starts Dec 5th

    This series is ongoing, but explores topics of grounding, playing, relating and growing. If you can’t make it every week, you can pick sessions that interest you the most. For more details see Series Structure below.

  • By donation (suggested 12€-35€/£10-£30)

    If you plan to attend on a regular basis, you can also pay monthly, just let me know and we can set this up together!

  • This series is online via Zoom.

    Once you sign up, I’ll let you know what materials you’ll need. I suggest using as much from home as possible without buying new. Even the simplest materials will work fine.

    No arty experience needed to take part!

Series Structure

December (5th, 12th 19th & 26th) - Grounding

We’ll learn what grounding is, how to do, and why it’s necessary.

January (9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th) - Playing

We dive a little deeper into our 3 key states - home, activated and shut down

February (6th, 13th, 20th & 27th) - Relating

We explore the impact other people have on our nervous systems, and how ours impacts others.

March (6th, 13th, 20th, 27th) - Growing

We’ll look at how can we continue our growth outside of the series.